

Games Hub

League of Angels 6/7 Update

Revised.Version Update 20160607 edit28.png

All servers will be updated on June 7th. This week we've added several new items and optimizations.


Keep in mind that this update may affect your in-game connection. We apologize ahead of time for any inconveniences caused. After the update, players should simply refresh their cache to see the new content and changes.


New Items:

1. Khaos Angel Card Chest

2. Grace’s Surprise Chest

3. Grace’s Mystery Chest

4. Customized Weapons for Winners of the 6th Champion Showdown



1. Magic Mount Soul has been added to the resource tycoon. Please get ready to compete for the new item in future resource tycoon events. Stay tuned.

2. Now “1-click Upgradein the Stable will not use up all resources (will only use resources needed for upgrading one level).

3. Players can now complete Homestead Quests with a single click.



Fixed the issues with the Stable panel.


P.S.: Our developers are working to fix the missing tycoon points and rewards problem. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.