12/30/2024 08:00 a.m. (Server Time)
Affected Servers:
1. S1-S2-S3-S4-uc9-ud3 will be merged and the server ID after merging is ue3.
2. ud4-ua97-uc26 will be merged and the server ID after merging is ue4.
3. ud7-ud8-ud10 will be merged and the server ID after merging is ue5.
4. S8-S39-uc15-ua65-S295-uc22-uc28-S275-S277-S355 will be merged and the server ID after merging is ud13.
5. ud5-uc21-ud11 will be merged and the server ID after merging is ue6.
Kongregate SERVERS:
1. ub1-KongregateS2-ub1 will be merged and the server ID after merging is uc1.
2. ua2-KongregateS5 will be merged and the server ID after merging is ub2.