Is there any feeling more grand, more noble, than to stride across the land atop a four-legged friend? Through the mount system, you acquire a powerful beast to move through the world at greater speed. Mounts boost character stats and can learn skills essential to triumph!
After completing the level 24 main quest, you will unlock the Mount system. Click the Mount button at the bottom right of the screen to see your very first mount! You can purchase glamors to change your mount's appearance in the shop.
Fig. 1: Unlocking Mounts
Mount Functions
In the Mount screen you can select which mount you wish to ride. You can hop on or off your horse by clicking "Mount/Dismount" or by pressing T. You may call your mount even when you're moving!
Fig. 2: Riding
As we continue to develop and improve League of Angels, new updates may slightly change the appearance or effects of systems and classes in-game. Where any discrepancy between game and guide occurs, in-game data shall take precedence. If you discover any errors, bugs or inconsistencies please contact us immediately and we will fix it during the next update.